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Orders not appearing on AliExpress

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If you place orders to AliExpress but they are not appearing in your linked AliExpress account, it may be coming from different reasons.

The following content will break down each of the potential reasons and provide a solution.

Reasons & solutions for orders not appearing on AliExpress





Possible delay from AliExpress

There might be a delay before the orders display on AliExpress due to the AliExpress risk control mechanism.

Please check on AliExpress later.


Login to the wrong AliExpress account

It is possible that you have placed the order to your desired AliExpress account but logged in to another AliExpress account.

Please double-check if you are logged in to the correct AliExpress account.


Order placed to a different AliExpress account

If you have multiple AliExpress accounts, you may place the order to a different AliExpress account than the one you originally wanted.

Please cancel the order in the AliExpress account where you placed it and connect the AliExpress account you desire to DSers to place the order again.


Order failed to be placed to AliExpress

You failed to place the order to AliExpress so it would be moved to the Failed orders tab.

Please modify the order information and place it again.

Once you find out the reason and follow the corresponding solution above, you can see your orders and pay for them in AliExpress.

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  • Reorder AliExpress canceled orders
  • Place an order/orders in bulk
  • Pay for an order/orders in bulk
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