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Import products via CSV Upload

DSers allows you to import products in multiple ways. Check this article to learn other methods.
Support: CSV icon

If you choose to use CSV files rather than connecting a store to manage your business in DSers, you can take advantage of the CSV Upload feature to help you import product data.

How to import products via CSV files

  1. Login to DSers > dsers-louder CSV Upload.
  2. Under "Products", click dsers-download-template to download the product template named "import_products_demo".
  3. Open the file and fill in your product data.
  4. Go back to DSers and click dsers-import-file.
  5. In the Pop-up, click dsers-choose-csv-file to import the modified file and click dsers-import-file.

If successful, your product data file will appear in the sheet under "Product" and you can manage them on the "My Products" page. After you do mapping for them, you can place CSV orders to suppliers in bulk.

Fields reference

Field Option Description
Product id Required The ID of your product.
SKU Required The SKU of your product.
Supplier url Optional The URL of your supplier’s product.
SKU Optional The SKU of your supplier’s product.
You can enter the supplier product URL in the Search box under "Check Product SKU" and click CHECK to check your wanted SKUs. If the SKU shows as none, please keep the field empty.

Note that each time you modify information or add a product to your store, you will need to update this file.

Related Articles

  • Install DSers via CSV
  • Place CSV orders
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