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Add or change AliExpress Order number

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In case you place an order directly to AliExpress but not through DSers or your supplier has changed the Order Number, you can add or change it in DSers.

How to add or change the AliExpress Order Number

  1. Login to DSers > dsers-open-orders Open Orders > AliExpress.
  2. Access the Awaiting order/Awaiting payment/Awaiting shipment/Canceled/Failed orders tab.
  3. Click dsers-edit next to Order No: and enter or change the Order Number in the box.
  4. Click dsers-refresh-orange at the end of the box.

  1. Once the AliExpress order number has been generated, you can only change it but not delete it.
  2. Make sure that the AliExpress order number is from the AliExpress account connected to the DSers account you’re using.

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