Activity Log
Activity Log is where you can view your operation history in DSers. It includes the following operation types: Push, Mapping, Delete products, Manually update price, Fulfill Orders Manually, Roll Back Orders, Place Orders and Order Action Edit. As DSers has many features and you may make changes many times per day, you’ll want to check if you have questions about them. Then you can use this feature to verify your operations. Here is the time range limited to each plan.
Plan | Time range limit |
Basic | 3 days |
Advanced | 7 days |
Pro | 7 days |
Enterprise | 15 days |
How to check your activity log
- Login to DSers.
- Login to DSers >
Settings > General Setting > Activity log.
- The page shows all logs by default. To check logs of any specific type, click on All and choose one type from the Dropdown list. For example, to check the Push activity log type, click on Push.
- (Optional) To search for a specific product that has been pushed, enter the product name in the Search Bar and click