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Combine multiple orders shipped to the same address

Support: shopify icon

Sometimes your buyers place 2 or more orders for the same product variants or different variants of one product. This may lead to double shipping fees as there will be individual packages for each order when you place orders to your suppliers.

If you want to avoid extra shipping fees, you can combine customer orders before you place them to suppliers.

Solution 1: Combine orders on Shopify manually

When you have 2 Shopify orders that include the same product from one customer, you can adjust one order to include both product variants and archive the other one.

For example, you have two orders: Order A and Order B. For Order A, you can add product variants to add the same as those in Order B. Then you can fulfill Order B and archive it.

Solution 2: Change the order product mapping

For the same product included in 2 or more orders from the same customer, you can adjust the mapping method that is set up for it to modify the product mapping. DSers Advanced, BOGO or Bundle mapping allows you to map multiple products (variants) to one single item in an order. This way, you can add multiple product variants in an order.
    Regardless of your order numbers, the shipping cost depends on the shipping rules set by the supplier for the product. You’d better confirm it with your supplier in advance.

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