Place an order/orders in bulk
DSers can help you place orders to suppliers individually or in bulk. Once you fill out order information properly, it will only take a few clicks to place orders, which helps you process orders efficiently.
- You have mapped product variants included in the order. You have applied the shipping method to the order.
- The shipping method has been applied to the order.
How to place an order
- Login to DSers >
Open Orders.
- Access AliExpress/Tmall/Agent/Temu/Unmapped.
- Access the Awaiting order tab.
- Click
on the Order Card of the order that you want to place.
- (Optional) In the Pop-up, the "Order via API (Place the orders faster)" option is selected by default. You can switch to the "Order via Chrome Extension (Automatically use received coupons)" option to apply eligible coupons and shipping discounts.
- Click
Check this article to learn how to configure DSers Chrome extension to reduce ordering failure.
When your orders are being placed, you can click Check Order(s) on the green notification bar to check your order information including the shipping order number, order cost and order status.
How to place orders in bulk
- Login to DSers >
Open Orders.
- Access AliExpress/Tmall/Agent/Temu/Unmapped.
- Access the Awaiting order tab.
- Check
in front of the order number on the Order Cards of the orders that you want to place.
- Click
) to the left of the Navigator Bar.
- (Optional)In the Pop-up, the first option is selected by default. You can switch to the second option to apply eligible coupons and shipping discounts.
- (Optional) In the Pop-up, check the order details and click
In case you fail to place those orders, check order failure reasons to find out how to solve the problem.