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Set up suppliers for each variant - Standard mapping

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Standard Mapping is a method that enables you to connect a specific supplier to a specific variant. It’s possible you want to map your product variant with specific variants of different suppliers. In this case, In this case, this mapping method is a good solution.

For Basic plan and Standard plan users, up to 2 different suppliers are available in standard mapping. For Advanced plan and Pro plan users, up to 5 suppliers are supported.

How to turn on the Standard Mapping feature

  1. Login to DSers > dsers-my-products My Products.
  2. Access the Unmapped tab.
  3. Hover on the Product Card of the product for which you want to use the feature and click dsers-mapping-button to access the Marketplaces card (or the Supplier Management card and choose one supplier platform.)
  4. Click the Standard tab and turn on dsers-status-off to the right of Status.

How to set up suppliers for each variant

  1. Click dsers-add Import supplier & Select variant behind your first variant.
  2. In the window, paste a supplier product URL in the Search Box and click dsers-ok-button.
  3. Select your desired option values and click dsers-confirm-button.
  4. For the second variant, click Import supplier & Select variant.
  5. paste the URL of another AliExpress product in the Search Box and click dsers-ok-button.
  6. Select your desired option values and click dsers-confirm-button.
  7. Repeat the steps above for the rest variants.
  8. Once you are done, don’t forget to click dsers-save-uppercase.

Different variants of your product will be sent from different suppliers now.

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  • Apply multiple suppliers to a product - Basic Mapping
  • Set up local-based suppliers for each variant
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