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Different product costs on DSers from AliExpress

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Here are 2 reasons why your product costs are different from what you see on AliExpress.

Product cost display differences

  1. DSers only show the basic standard cost of products sold to the USA on AliExpress. But the real cost varies according to the country you choose from the "Ship to" options on AliExpress.
  2. If you are selling products on Shopify and import AliExpress products via DSers Chrome extension, DSers will show you the product cost based on your shipping destination.

  3. It is possible that you apply different currencies in DSers and AliExpress. Please make sure the currency is the same on DSers and AliExpress when cross-checking product prices.
  4. DSers does not update product costs for Pending or Fulfilled orders, once the order status is updated to Awaiting order, the product cost will update automatically.
  5. AliExpress applies a welcome deal discount to product prices for newly registered AliExpress accounts, but products imported to DSers will not apply this discount. This is because the discounted price can only be used for the first AliExpress order. If you set the discounted price as the product selling price, it will lead to a loss when you have more orders. So DSers will not import this price.

Update time differences

The product cost will be updated on DSers every 24 hours, so the update of your product cost may not be synchronized with AliExpress if your AliExpress supplier changes the product price.

In case your supplier changed the price of a product or its discount, you can activate the Price button in Settings > Notification to be made aware of that.

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