You may sometimes have orders that contain multiple products from different suppliers.
In this case, it may happen that the suppliers ship out their packages at different times, so the tracking numbers of the products will be generated and synchronized to DSers at different times as well.
If you have an order for which all the tracking numbers are not yet generated and synchronized to DSers, it will be placed in the Awaiting fulfillment tab.
An example of Awaiting fulfillment order
For example, you placed an order with two products from two different suppliers and the order is in the Awaiting payment tab. After you paid the order, it will be in the Awaiting shipment tab.
After one of your suppliers ships out his product, and the tracking number has been synchronized from your supplier to DSers, this part of the order will be moved to the Awaiting fulfillment tab or Fulfilled tab according to your Fulfillment Settings. The other part of the order will remain in the Awaiting shipment tab until the supplier ships out the product and the tracking number is generated and synchronized.
Once all the products have been shipped out by their respective suppliers and the tracking numbers have been generated and synchronized from your suppliers to DSers, the completed order will be moved to the Fulfilled tab.